Thing a Week
What’s this?
This is a blog tracking weekly projects I’m working on in 2024. Each week I’ll post about what I built and how I built it.
A Flyby of Godot 4
Utility AI
Exploring the AI that drives The Sims
Understanding Goal Oriented Action Planning
Restructuring Anjin
Kata, Completions, and Challenges
Anjin's Exercise Designer
Creating Exercises in Anjin
An exercise manager for supporting goals
App Starter
A starter template with auth and a database
Generating new ideas from existing ones
An LLM-powered debate platform
Capturing Cards on iOS
Exploring possible futures with games
Looking into three types of tech
Exploring Gradient Descent
Sliding down the slope of a function
Hex Grids
Rendering hexagons on a grid
Fridge Poetry
Taking kitsch from the kitchen
Yet Another Slime Simulator
Building a slime simulator with WebGPU
Marching Squares Renderer
Using the Marching Squares algorithm to render a 2D grid
3D to 2D Asset Pipeline
Rendering UV sprites from 3D models
Flow Fields
Building a flow field art generator
Building one thing every week for a year